ROWLING, J.K. : Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone - Harry Potter #1 (4/5)
ROWLING, J.K. : Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets - Harry Potter #2 (4/5)
ROWLING, J.K. : Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban - Harry Potter #3 (5/5)
RUBENHOLD, Hallie : The Five the untold lives of the women killed by Jack the Ripper (5/5)
RYAN, Donal : All we shall know (5/5)
ROWLING, J.K. : Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets - Harry Potter #2 (4/5)
ROWLING, J.K. : Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban - Harry Potter #3 (5/5)
RUBENHOLD, Hallie : The Five the untold lives of the women killed by Jack the Ripper (5/5)
RYAN, Donal : All we shall know (5/5)
TRAVERS, Fabienne : La ménopause, le bon moment pour s'occuper de soi (3/5)
TROLLOPE, Anthony : Christmas at Kirby cottage (4/5)
TROLLOPE, Anthony : Christmas at Kirby cottage (4/5)
TROLLOPE, Anthony : The Warden - Chronicles of Barsetshire #1 (4/5)
TROLLOPE, Anthony : Barchester towers - Chronicles of Barsetshire #2 (5/5)
TROLLOPE, Anthony : Barchester towers - Chronicles of Barsetshire #2 (5/5)
WALTERS, Minette : Chickenfeed (4/5)
WATAYARisa : I want to kick you in the back (2/5)
WATAYA Risa : Pauvre chose - review in French (4/5)
WELLS, Martha : Network effet - The Murderbot diaries #5 (5/5)
WESLEY, Mary : The camomile lawn (2/5)
WESLEY, Mary : The camomile lawn (2/5)
WOOLF, Virginia : Londres (review in French and English) (4/5)
WRIGHT, Suzanne : Here be sexist vampire (Deep in your veins #1) (DNF)
WRIGHT, Suzanne : Here be sexist vampire (Deep in your veins #1) (DNF)
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