
Elizabeth HOYT : Scandalous desires - Maiden lane #3

Widowed Silence Hollingbrook is impoverished, lovely, and kind — and nine months ago she made a horrible mistake. She went to a river pirate for help in saving her husband and in the process made a bargain that cost her her marriage. That night wounded her so terribly that she hides in the foundling home she helps run with her brother. Except now that same river pirate is back... and he's asking for her help.
"Charming" Mickey O'Connor is the most ruthless river pirate in London. Devastatingly handsome and fearsomely intelligent, he clawed his way up through London's criminal underworld. Mickey has no use for tender emotions like compassion and love, and he sees people as pawns to be manipulated. And yet he's never been able to forget the naive captain's wife who came to him for help — and spent one memorable night in his bed... talking.
When his bastard baby girl was dumped in his lap — her mother having died — Mickey couldn't resist the Machiavellian urge to leave the baby on Silence's doorstep. The baby would be hidden from his enemies and he'd also bind Silence to him by her love for his daughter.

Sometimes I question my rating system and wonder if it's judicious to give 5 stars to a historical romance and at the same time to a world-renowned classic piece of literature. Well, the answer is yes.
Did I thoroughly enjoy the book ? Do I have a fondness for the author ? Was it hard to put the book down because of mundane things such as eating or sleeping ? Did I love the characters and their peculiarities ? Do I think back on the book with a smile on my face ? If it's a series, do I feel the urge to read the next ? Like now ? That particular historical romance checks all of the above and more.

I read a couple of historical romances since the beginning of the year, but they fell off my hands. One didn't even find its way to the blog because I couldn't stand it for more than 5 pages. It was a freebie, no regret. When I discovered Elizabeth Hoyt a few years ago, I fell in love with her historical romances. Very good characters, witty banter, strong heroins (and by strong, I mean they're not just "stubborn" as we often see in that genre because stubborness, in my book, is a weakness and a sign of stupidity), the characters all have their own personalities, they're not all good or all bad, Mickey included.
I also love with this series the fact that there are not just all aristocrats. Lower middle class, people born in the gutter, merchants, sailors, they come from diverse backgrounds. 

More specifics about what I loved in this book ? 
- Mickey is "given" things, he never steals, nope.
- I learned that vitriol was used in the making of gin ! (and I found out this morning that it more or less lead to the invention of gin tonic)
- The heroin's name is Silence, makes you wonder. I know her sister is Temperance, one of her brother is Concord (his family would rather call him Discord), but honestly, to name a woman, a baby Silence is... It makes me shiver. Would you call your dear baby girl Silence ?
- Silence is clever. No stupid move or silly conclusions here, she's honest, generous and warm-hearted, I love that woman, she's nice and has a backbone.
- Mickey is also called "Himself" (or 'imself).
- Good surrounding characters.
- I know some readers don't, but I adore E. Hoyt's little fairy tales by episodes at the beginning of each chapter, as if someone was telling me a bedtime story. I must be missing it.
- The sense of humour :
"If (...) a woman could have any number of men she wished... Well, I'd never have more than one, I think. Why, can ye imagine two men snorin' in yer bed ? Or three ? And what about the covers ?" The covers part really made me laugh !
- Hey, a river pirate, how often do you read about river pirates ?!

And at the end of the novel, you learn more about the famous "Ghost of St Giles" ^^ Ah *sigh*, I love that series, I really do...

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