From the physician behind the wildly popular website, How Not to Die reveals
the groundbreaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can
prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death.
The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. In How Not to Die,
Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-renowned nutrition expert,
physician, and founder of, examines the fifteen top
causes of premature death in America -- heart disease, various cancers,
diabetes, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, and more -- and explains how
nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump
prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches,
freeing us to live healthier lives.
The simple truth is that most
doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing
chronic disease. The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of
1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case. By
following Dr. Greger's advice, all of it backed up by strong scientific
evidence, you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes
to make to live longer.
History of prostate cancer in your
family? Put down that glass of milk and add flaxseed to your diet
whenever you can. Have high blood pressure? Hibiscus tea can work better
than a leading hypertensive drug-and without the side effects. Fighting
off liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation.
Battling breast cancer? Consuming soy is associated with prolonged
survival. Worried about heart disease (the number 1 killer in the United
States)? Switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet, which has been
repeatedly shown not just to prevent the disease but often stop it in
its tracks.
In addition to showing what to eat to help treat the top fifteen causes of death, How Not to Die
includes Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen -- a checklist of the twelve foods we
should consume every day. Full of practical, actionable advice and
surprising, cutting edge nutritional science, these doctor's orders are
just what we need to live longer, healthier lives.

Review in English :
I bought this book for the library I work in because it's written by a doctor, was in the top 20 sales in the essays category recently and because I'm interested in the relation between food and health. I didn't like the title however, too catchy for me, but it obviously worked for all those who bought it.
Surprisingly, it's all about how vegetables and avoiding meat, fish and dairy can help you live not only longer, but in a better condition. I've been vegan for practically 10 years, so how can I not be interested, knowing it's true ? I became vegan for the animals, but hey, if it's better for my health and the planet, I won't complain ! Since then, I have indeed noticed I kissed good-bye to chronical sinusitis and violent headaches among other inconveniences.
Basically, even if I don't know about all the diseases mentioned in this book, I found nothing really new in what the doctor said as to the general health, except maybe the relation between certain foods and certain diseases. If you're aching, suffering somewhere in your body, it will be well worth a look. Just change your diet for a couple of weeks, a month, what have you got to lose ? Greger often mentions exercise to go along, of course, even if he gives a duration that not many people can achieve daily - I can't ! Work, family, transports and all that. But a little exercise each day can't hurt. Again, what have you got to lose ?
The first part is all about the illnesses, the second part is about how to put it all in practice and what you should eat every day.
I'd give this book 5 stars and highly recommend it, but there is one drawback : B12. It's only mentioned after the end, in an appendix. How many people read appendixes (except me) ? If you're planning on going vegan, for whatever reason, you must supplement yourself in B12. I know many people have vitamin and mineral deficiencies all over the world, but B12 is really important. B12 used to be found easily before almost all our food went industrial, now it is given to animals that people use as food. Personally, I prefer taking a pill each morning (mango is the flavour of this month) with my glass of water. I can understand that if he had mentioned that at the beginning of the book, many people wouldn't have kept reading, but still, the appendix thing at the end bothers me.
Apart from that, he makes it look as easy as it is. And eating healthy is close to my heart because of all the people dear to me I lost over the years, how many died peacefully of old age in their sleep ? None. Apart from the 2 road accidents, all others were about cancer (family), cardiac arrest (my father), Alzheimer (my mother) and so on. Eating healthy profits not only to you, but also to the people who love you and want to keep you with them as long as they can.
Chronique en français :
J'ai acheté ce livre pour la bibliothèque où je travaille parce que l'auteur est un spécialiste, le livre était dans les meilleures ventes documentaires récemment et le sujet est intéressant : le rapport entre la nourriture et la santé. Je n'aimais pas le titre racoleur, mais bon, vu les ventes, il a fonctionné.
Etonamment, on se concentre sur la nourriture végétale et l'évitement de la viande, du poisson et des produits laitiers, comment cela peut vous aider à vivre plus longtemps et en meilleur état. Ca fait pratiquement 10 ans que je suis végane, évidemment le sujet m'intéresse ! Je suis devenue végane pour les animaux, mais si c'est meilleur pour ma santé et la planète, je ne vais certainement pas me plaindre ! Depuis que je le suis, adieu la sinusite chronique et les migraines, entre autres.
Familière avec le sujet depuis longtemps, je n'ai pas appris grand-chose de nouveau en ce qui concerne la santé en général, plus sur la relation entre certains aliments et certaines maladies. Si vous avez mal ou qu'une partie de votre corps ne fonctionne pas comme elle le devrait, jetez un oeil à ce livre. Changez votre alimentation pour une quinzaine de jours ou un mois, qu'avez-vous à perdre ? Greger mentionne souvent l'exercice physique, bien entendu, même s'il donne des durées quotidiennes que je suis bien incapable d'atteindre. Le travail, la vie de famille, les tansports et tout ça. Mais un peu d'exercice tous les jours ne peut pas faire de mal. Là aussi, on n'a rien à perdre.
La première partie est consacrée aux maladies et aux aliments qui les combattent, la seconde partie retrace comment mettre tout ça en pratique, ce qu'on doit consommer par jour.
Je donnerais bien 5 étoiles à ce livre et le recommanderais chaudement, mais il y a un schmilblick : la B12. Elle n'est mentionnée qu'à la fin, dans un appendice. Qui lit les appendices ? (à part moi). Si vous décidez de manger végétalien, quelle qu'en soit la raison, vous devez absolument vous supplémenter en B12. Je sais qu'il existe des carences en vitamines et minéraux dans le monde entier, mais la B12 n'est pas à prendre à la légère. Avant que notre nourriture devienne industrielle, on l'assimilait facilement, maintenant elle est donnée aux animaux qui la transmettent à ceux qui les mangent. Personnellement, je préfère prendre un comprimé tous les matins (parfum mangue, ce mois-ci) avec un verre d'eau. Je comprends bien qu'il n'a pas préféré en parler en premier de peur de faire fuir les lecteurs, mais tout de même, l'appendice à la fin me chiffonne.
A part ça, il présente ce type de nourriture comme étant facile à mettre en place, et c'est le cas. Manger sainement me tient à coeur parce que parmi toutes les personnes chères à mon coeur que j'ai perdues au cours des années, combien sont mortes paisiblement de vieillesse dans leur lit ? Aucune. A part 2 accidents de la route, les autres sont mortes du cancer (famille), d'arrêt cardiaque (mon père), des suites d'Alzheimer (ma mère), et ainsi de suite. Manger sainement ne profite pas qu'à vous seulement, ça profite également aux personnes qui vous aiment et qui aimeraient vous garder près d'elles plus longtemps.
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