
Winston GRAHAM : The stranger from the sea - Poldark #8

Cornwall, 1810-1811

Stephen Carrington's arrival in the Poldark household changes all their lives. For Clowance and Jeremy in particular, the children of Ross and Demelza, Stephen's advent is the key to a new world — one of both love and danger. This novel is set in early 19th-century Cornwall.
Well, this is the 8th novel from the saga Poldark, what more can I add to everything I've written before ? And I have to be quick about it, someone's waiting for my computer !

I discovered this series with the TV show, of course (I have all the DVDs), then found out, not unsurprisingly, that it came from a series of books, but was surprised to learn that the writer had been a historian *and* the writer of Marnie (Hitchcock fan here too).

Since then, I devoured all the books ! I just adore this saga. It started with Ross's impulsive and ardent nature, his fight for a better life for himself but also the villagers around him and people in general, and there are so many good characters in here, especially one of my favourites, Demelza, the former miner's daughter turned genteel, much to her amazement. 

When I read this, I can almost hear the beloved sound of the sea, breathe the salty air, admire the landscape (the show helped !), immerge myself in what it was to live back then. The bonus with this genre is that you get a history lesson on top of it !

If you have never read this before, I don't know what's the matter with you but now's the perfect time to start. Go on, go buy the books and read !

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