
My weeks in books (not only) #59 - The Sunday Salon


Hello, I'm linking back to The sunday salon held by Deb at Readerbuzz. Click on the links to access the posts and discover plenty of great bloggers who are dying to share their book reviews, and other things, with you ! 

 *°*° LIFE UPDATES °*°* 

As you might have noticed, I haven't been very present on the net this month. It's a very important 20 years sad birthday for me, on a family level. Add perimenopause to this and you might get an idea of why I won't be present much this month. Not the best time of year. But hey, life goes on, I do my best to hold on. Add to this, moreover, the lockdown/not-a-lockdown that we experience here in France (I think the dictionary will need a new definition of the word : you're to stay home but go out as much as you can, and go to work, take public transportations, go to school and go to supermarkets, but you're locked down). Never mind.

I finished watching Lupin (adapted from a favourite series of novels of my father) and season 12 of Doctor Who. I'm currently watching two Korean dramas, Hotel del Luna with my eldest daughter and Stranger with my partner. I watched the British part of Criminal on Netflix but though I liked it, the setting reminded me too much of lockdown, with that claustrophobic interrogation room. Then I watched some good old Star Trek original because... well, they're what drew me to Star Trek ! Ah, good ole Jim, Bones and Spock and Chekov and Uhura and Sulu and all that, all that faith in humanity throughout space. Love them to pieces. I tried Timeless but I wasn't blown away. So I moved on to Picard.


I should know better than read this during the night !
I absolutely loved this unusual biography
A light and funny discovery
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm over this genre or 
if I simply picked up average historical romances recently
I think this novel is highly underrated 
Read and reviewed for The Japanese literature challenge

Great novel !
    *°*° BOOKS READ °*°* 
Not surprisingly, I loved it !
 I'm still wondering whether I liked it or not, so I'll read the other two
Efficient and eye-opening

No surprise here, I loved it
Plenty of mangas, including :
- Sayonara Miniskirt #1 by Aoi Makino
- To your eternity #1 by Yoshitoki Oima   
- Blue flag #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 by Kaito
- Bloom into you #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 by Nakatami Nio.
I'll post a review about these co-written with my youngest daughter, who recommended them to me !
I heard it's a beautiful classic...
For a Goodreads readalong, love the beginning too
  *°*° BOOK HAUL °*°* 
 Book buying ban ? What book buying ban ?

After reading Anne's biography and discovering that all my life,
I'd read a slaughtered edition, I bought the original uncut edition 
(click on Take courage's review to find out what the difference is)

I read the first, so I bought the other two so that I would finish the trilogy
This is my monthly exception (lol, as if only !) from the book buying ban,
another series I started and intend to finish 

I've been resisting buying this book for too long, I gave up.
are buddy reading it
It was published in France 4 years ago, which means I resisted buying it 4 years
- until yesterday ! Come on, who could resist this cover ?

 *°*° ON YOUTUBE °*°*  

This is a video made by a French wildlife photographer on his trip to Iceland to take pictures of polar foxes (they're not white, but you'll see they fit perfectly into the landscape) and birds. Even if you don't understand French, the images and the landscape are absolutely splendid ! For those who don't want to watch the whole video (it's 25mn long approximatively), take a look at the pictures at the end (24:09).

 *°*° ON THE NET °*°*  

I discovered the art of Jane Crowther, but quickly realized I already knew her ! 
I bought two of her cards for my favourite coworkers :)
 Click on the picture above to see some of her work


  1. Sorry you’ve been having a tough time. I’m hoping people get vaccinated quickly, and we can stop getting confusing, conflicting advice. I just want to eat at restaurants and not be paranoid about accidentally killing my parents!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I can relate, I want to go to restaurants again and have somebody cook for me !!!

  2. I totally sympathise with regards to peri menopause, it’s not being terribly kind to me either. I’m sorry yours is complicated by grief.
    It took me a few episodes to warm up to Timeless, but I really enjoyed it in the end. I love Picard though.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I enjoyed watching Picard but am I the only one who finds weird that Romulans look like elves ?...

  3. I'm sorry you are having a difficult time of year and hope you are doing alright. And another lockdown. I hope Europe begins to vaccinate more soon!

    1. France is taking its sweet time to vaccinate a small part of the population... I want to go to restaurants again !! Thanks Helen :)

  4. I thought I was doing good juggling six books. But you. You take the cake for the most books at one time. Wow! I think I will look for the Bronte biography. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I read a lot recently, that's true, but those books were rather short and easy to read, it helps ! I usually read two books at the same time : one paperback, one on kindle. I hope you love the Brontë biography, yay !

  5. I love original Star Trek! To me it's the best one, old fashioned in some ways but the concepts behind some of the episodes and the characters are the best for me. And yes the lockdowns are a bit contradictory at times, aren't they, with the restrictions but they still want to do this or that?

    The covers for Wild Strawberries and the Christie one are so cool.

    Love the cat pic in the snow :)

    1. The original Star Trek is so great, I love the characters and the message behind the show to pieces :) My partner thinks that series is "kitsch" but never mind what he thinks ^^

  6. Before the coffee gets cold. I love the title and the cover . Sorry this is a crappy anniversary time of year. I hope things are more hopeful soon.

    1. Thanks Victoria, things can only get better :) And I hope that book will help !

  7. My sympathies about the tough times you're going through at the moment. Glad you were wise enough to take a break from blogging so you could focus on personal stuff. Quite the stack of books you've gotten read lately and glad most were pretty good for you. LOL, yes I would ignore a book-buying ban if I needed the next Murderbot, too. :) I had no idea the version of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall that I read was not the full original. Guess I'll have to look that up eventually.

    Have a good week, Iza!

    1. I had high hopes for the book-buying ban but honestly, how could I resist books for long, uh ? Thanks Sophia, have a good week too :)

  8. I can't imagine what it is like in France. I wish vaccines were more available there, and I hope they will be soon.

    You have read and are reading so many books that I'm interested in reading. Diary of a Nobody (maybe I'll pass on it, if it was a disappointment). Elizabeth Gaskell (moving it up on my Classics Club list). Anne Bronte.

    Haruki Murakami is an acquired taste. I love the zany-ness of his books, but sometimes he has too much of a guy point of view for me. If that makes any sense.

    Before the Coffee Gets Cold was a satisfying read, I thought. Money well spent.

    1. The diary of a Nobody, big disappointment, alas but the others I hope you will love too. And yes, your ideas on Murakami make sense. I hope I'll be reading Before the coffee gets cold next week !

  9. I'm so sorry it's been a tough month. April is a tough month for me every year. And with the pandemic...it's gets to be too much. Big international hugs from me!

    It looks like you have been reading some amazing classics. That book with the kitty looks adorable but I have no idea what the book will be like. Hope it's good! I really enjoyed The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. All of the BRontes were just amazing. I've enjoyed reading all their books.

    And yes to Star Trek. I just binged all the original movies and I'm about halfway through the Original series. And I'm working on TNG as well. I grew up on TNG and just love Star Trek. I loved Picard! Can't wait for season two.

    1. I hope April will be extra sweet for you this year (we can always hope, can't we ?). I think I'll read the book with the lovely kitty next, so I'll let you know. Yay for a fellow Brontë and Star trek fan ! My eldest daughter was a toddler when I watched Deep space nine, she used to dance to the music of the credits :) Enjoy your rewatch !

  10. I'm sorry things are difficult now... sending good vibes your way. Thank you for reminding me of Angela Thirkell! High Rising was delightful and I've been meaning to continue the series with Wild Strawberries for several years. I though The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was a great read and have Mary Barton on my Classics Club list. Haven't worked up the courage to try Murakami yet. Take care.

    1. Good to know about High rising, thanks. Murakami is very easy to read and I'm looking forward to the rest of the trilogy, and I'm glad you have Mary Barton on your Classics list ! Thanks JoAnn :)

  11. Sorry it's a bad / sad time of year for you .... but all these new books surely make it a bit better. I like looking at all these covers. Many good reads to think about.

    1. Books do help, what would I do without books ;) But I'd like an outing to the Canadian mountains a lot more !

  12. I'm so sorry for all you are going through. I hope this is a good week for you. Take care.

    1. Today, the sun is shining and the temperatures are supposed to be going up this week, which helps. Thanks Yvonne :)

  13. Sending virtual hugs to you. I was amazed to hear about the problems i. France with their vaccinations, here in Scotland they seem to be vaccinating seven days a week. Hopefully things will pick up, there is a still a long way for us all to go. At least we have books to keep us sane!

    Stay safe!

    1. Books are definitely helping, yes ! There is a lot of talk about vaccinating but not much action. Thanks Heather :)

  14. So sorry about everything going on on the health and virus front. These new lockdowns are confusing - they are not as restrictive as the first ones last year so then they are not lockdowns, anymore right?

    Love all the reading you are doing! I'm waiting for the next Murderbot and I cannot wait to read Before the Coffee gets cold. Hope you have a great week!
